Monday, August 5, 2013

It's been awhile...

It's been a long time since I have posted! I think the fact that teaching started again and life prevented me from posting and writing about what I've been doing! But I will try and keep up once a week!

So here's the scoop!
I obtained a job at a new school and I couldn't be more psyched about it! I already love the teachers and staff that I have met and spent a brief period of time with so far! So I know that the school year will start off on a positive note! I start training for my new position (still 2nd grade, yay!) on Thursday, YES THURSDAY! My vacation is winding down and I am trying to enjoy every last second of it!

My boyfriend and I bought a labradoodle about 2 months ago, his name is Fozzy Bear and it really has been a fun experience. He is a very smart dog and we love him!
So I think that this re-vamped blog of mine will be largely about teaching but will also have bits from my life, like recipes (I've started to try to cook...yikes!) products I like, dog/puppy stuff, teaching clothes that are comfy and stylish and my health journey. Other things might pop in here and there.

So now I need to hunt about my first topic for my blog post :) Have a nice day everyone!